About Our OrganiSation

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Core Values

We are,

Since 2021


People We Helped In 2024

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Communities Impacted

Respond to the sound of the drum for climate action

Program areas implemented by Drums for Community Action

The organization has four key program areas for raising a culture of sustainable living. These are;

  1. The informal Plastic Waste Scavenger Program
  2. Hope for Kirabo
  3. The Fun for Green Campaign and the PPP-Bridge Clubs
  4. The She 4 E Program

The programs are both community based, and school based. The programs also place a premium on the participation of youths, women, and the most marginalized groups in society.

Our principles

Our principles, through a participatory process are carefully developed from the acronym, DRUMS. These we believe translate into sustainable living.


Respect for Diversity and differences in interests of the three pillars of sustainable development i.e., people, planet, profit. This is the basis for actions to harmonize the competing interests.


Respect for rights and all efforts by various players towards sustainable living.


Understanding of a community’s and individual’s vulnerability context as a foundation for any action. Understanding the three pillars of people, planet, and profit.


Motivation of the most marginalized players that are engaged in efforts that contribute to sustainable living but are rather socially and systematically not recognized.


Encourage sustainable living at individual and Community level. This starts with the individual and later to policy makers.

Meet the Team